Bethesda Homes This ministry was founded as we thought of the words of the Bible that tell us to “look after orphans and widows in their distress” (James 1:27). Dr. Moussa discovered that families in his church, who were HIV positive, often had the father dying first, leaving a sick widow and their children with no way to care for themselves. Although the mothers were sick, we felt strongly that it would be the most caring thing to preserve the remnants of the families—the mothers and the children together. So an African style home was built—a home for an extended family of mothers and children and orphans. Not all are HIV positive, but we also have children with no parents to care for them and destitute widows and their children. |
This ministry was founded on miracles by our God. There were no rich people to raise the money, but ordinary Christians who dared to trust God to provide for this ministry. Now we see children growing into young adults and following the Lord; we see mothers caring not only for their own children, but also for others. In fact, the ministry has grown so that we are now in the process of building a second home for widows and orphans, including a few two-bedroom apartments and hopefully a vegetable garden.